Monday, August 24, 2020

Holiday mood

 I'm finally on holiday since my last one in January.

It has been a busy week, with my cousin's wedding and driving back and forth Brunei-Muara and Temburong district for about a week.

Yes, I kind of hurt my left arm. Can't do any lifting with it. Can't straighten it up without feeling the pain. Due to lifting stuff you normally don't do.

But with this short break from work, I'm starting to clear some outgoing mails, postcard exchange request, will also be spending some time selecting some wedding pictures to upload, uploading incoming mails (although only about 3 postcard in about 2 months).

Will be sending out more postcards soon.Gonna have to make sure I have enough postcards to send.

But now, I'm finishing up some outgoing mails so I can be a normal, typical customer to our Post Office.

Good Night

Monday, August 10, 2020


 This is just a simple reminder (to myself too) that whenever we want to do some mail exchange, please check with your postal services provider for information of your outgoing mails internationally.  As far as I know, our Post Office still accept mails for international sending but the public need to know that the speed will NOT be as normal as before.  It also depend on the recipients country, if they accept incoming mails or not.  And also, if they can send out or not.  Some countries still suspend their mails due to no transportation. 

Lets hope that vaccine will be found (without complications after thorough testing) and be distributed to countries and to make this vaccine be available for everyone.

2nd Local ATC (Artist Trade Card) Exchange

  This is our 2nd ATC exchange and with more people joining in. It was fun. I made a short video of me receiving and unboxing it. I'm no...